Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve: Our Preferred Local Photo Shoot Location

August 17, 2015

Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve: our favorite local venue for our photo shoots. The Reserve is located on the St. Vincent College property. It is named in honor of the late wife of Latrobe's renowned golfer, Arnold Palmer. She and her family fundraised money to purchase the land so that developers wouldn't ruin the beautiful view of the St. Vincent Basilica and campus. However, it became more than a lovely piece of land with a view: it transformed into a highlight of western Pennsylvania's unique ecosystems.  As an approved Winnie Palmer photographer, we have a permit to shoot at the Reserve any time of day for any type of session. This blog contains photos of the different spots we use across the Reserve and our various types of sessions we take there {wedding, engagement, maternity, family, senior... just to name a few!} Enjoy!


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The pop of red from the barn adds a colorful element to any picture. 

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Take a stroll through the butterfly gardens, where you will find not just the fluttering creatures but also beautiful assortments of wild flowers. 

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The cabin is one of our favorite spots because it adds a rustic element to the natural environment. 

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Long wooden fences stretch across the property and are great additions to any picture. 

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The lush green fields are beautiful spring through fall, and the pop of flowers during certain seasons always makes the environment new. 

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The long path through the fields is especially beautiful when the Black-eyed Susans bloom in the summertime. 

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A new favorite spot that we love to shoot at is the garden at the opening of the Reserve. The rows of flowers and the wooden swing nearby make it feel like a garden from a fairytale. 

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And of course, there is nothing more lovely than pictures in the wheat fields in the hazy summer sunlight.



Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve Website
Take Rt 30 from Greensburg toward Latrobe (east) 
When arriving in Latrobe on 30, you will notice the St Vincent college on left, and airport on the right 
Make a LEFT at that stop light (Rt 981) 
Just a short distance ahead of you (few hundred yards or so), you will notice Dairy Queen on your right 
ACROSS the street from DQ is the entrance on your left 
make a LEFT into that entrance, there is a wooden "Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve" sign there 
Then just around the bend on that small road is the entrance gate to the reserve, make a right into there through gates 
Follow the driveway all the way through the reserve until you get to the large red barn with parking area 
Park there, and I will meet you there! 

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