The Acupuncture Photography Project began in 2015, as a collaboration with acupuncturist, Emily Andrews, (True Health and Fitness), and photographer, Autumn Stankay (SkySight Photography). In this short time, the project has grown to over 2000 organic followers throughout the acupuncture community on Instagram (@acuphotoproject) and have sold prints and stock images to acupuncturists in multiple countries worldwide. The initial blog post had a viral reaction in the acupuncture community with over 22,000 hits, and can be viewed here. You can also visit the Acu Photo Project Facebook page, or contact Autumn (the photographer) or Emily (the acupuncturist) directly with questions. New photography has recently become available for purchase, as well as opportunities to sponsor an upcoming photo shoot if you are part of the acupuncture community or sell products that you would like us to feature.
Check out our original blog that started it all! This blog was shared and viewed over 33,000 times.
And our follow up blog (part 2) as well! This was also viewed many times, over 7000!
Our mission is to provide beautiful, artistic and accurate photos of acupuncture to the community. Images are for usage on acupuncturist's websites, practice walls (prints/canvas), and on promotional products.
Acupuncture photographs are available in digital and prints for sale at the link below.
Click here to view Acupuncture Photos For Sale
The images are grouped by type, including moxa, needles, cupping, and more.