The editing completed on your photos post processing includes but not limited to color correction, exposure, sharpness, clarity, and other general photographic adjustments to improve your images. We also process the files from RAW format to JPG, and backup both original and edited files. Your images are then uploaded to our cloud based storage site, as well as our in house network for proper storage. Finally an online gallery will be created for you to view your images from home.
Additional editing (retouching) such as blemish removal, body slimming, stain removal, clothing adjustments, makeup adjustments, skin smoothing, braces removal, teeth whitening, eyes brightened and sparkle added (and just about anything you can think of to request!) can be done in addition by request. Retouching like this is $3-5 per adjustment, per person, per photo. For example, for one image to have three people with teeth whitening and skin smoothing could be $3 per edit (x2 requests) per person (x3) so a total of $18. See more about our editing services on the retouching page.
(Right image above is considered third tier editing, see below)
RETOUCHING (Additional Editing)
When you see your proofs... Your images have been edited for color correction, cropping, general artist discretion changes (exposure, lighting, etc). This first round of edits does not include facial or body editing such as skin blemishes, removing shine, body changes, stains on clothing, stray hairs, removal of scars or unwanted items.
Don't disregard a photo just because of some of the options that can be changed with Photoshop that would make you love it. Please don't hesitate to inquire on what exactly can be done to your photos! Here are the 4 types of editing to consider when viewing your photos:
Example of a Head Swap Edit
These two photos (above) were used to create this final image (below).
(Finished image after one head swap)
(2 Images used for head swap to create finished edit below)
(Finished photo after head swaps using 2 above images)
(Finished photo (right) after wrinkled shirt corrections)
- FLASH DRIVE: If you purchased the flash drive, you'll receive all your proofs as-is on the drive, with your choice of up to 5 images with second tier editing as described above. Higher tier editing, such as removal of braces, glasses glare, or stray hair removal is not included but can be quoted per image (these types of edits are sent out to an editing lab). If you purchased the flash drive, please email us at [email protected] with your choices for the extra editing. Keep in mind, you may not even NEED these 10 edits, or may just need it on a few of your images.
- PRINTS: All prints and wall art products INCLUDE the price of up to second tier editing in the print.
- ALBUMS: All photos in an album INCLUDE the price of up to second tier editing on all photos. To increase photos in the album to third tier editing, rate is $5 per image in album.